Monday, December 8, 2014

The Season of Giving

We are half way through the Season of Giving, and it is so easy to get caught up in lists and to-do's.  There's the gift for the teacher and the babysitter; another holiday party; and quick, get those cards in the mail!  It is easy to feel overwhelmed, and forget the true gift of the season:  time with loved ones.

Many say Christmas is all about the children, so make extra time to spend with the special little ones in your life.  In years to come, they will never miss that umpteenth gift you are contemplating getting (don't get it, they DON'T need it, and truly won't miss it...), but they will remember the special memories created and given with the gift of time.  So put down your "device" (cell phone, iPad) and plug in to the child in your life.  You will both benefit from the decision.